Forever Endeavor in the Arts
by S. Moore
Susan Moore is a 5th generation artist born to be what she has become. A direct descendent of Alfred Worsley Holdstock.
She has both formal education and self-taught knowledge of several forms and techniques of art:
Sculpting - wood, clay
Leather and beadwork
Textile design
Leaded and foil stain glass
Commercial art "signage"
This artist has also taught painting with acrylic, oil, gouache, and water color to both adults and children.
She believes art is something you continue to learn throughout your life, and is a lifetime student, always looking for her next inspiration.
There is a personal story behind most of her work; something of life's lessons, emotions, or observances.
Her quote is that "Art is an illusion, life is but a dream,” and that she lives in both realms.
Some people have made the statement "there is no such thing as a natural born artist," yet this artist believes that she was born to be just that, and began creating works of art at an early age. She has always been attracted to patterns and showed recognition of colors and how they would change as she watched shadows move across the walls. As she grew older, she would try to create art from any materials she could find such as food coloring and random strips of fabric and thread.
This artist also had the privilege of meeting Salvador Dali when he was in San Francisco. He demonstrated the process he used to transfer an image from one painting to another. It left an impression on her, and though she had no idea who this person was at that time, she has since realized what a wonderful privilege it was to have met him.
Her last mentor was Trilla Winthers. Trilla was an incredible artist, architect, actress, model, and friend. Unfortunately, she has passed away since, but has left an indelible mark seen through this artist’s paintings. Trilla is and always will be a part of this artist’s work.
Surrealism has taken an increasingly important place in the art world since the twentieth century. However, she is not limited to just that subject matter and almost always uses a realistic 'academic' technique depicting the most common of objects or events.
She has stated that she is not a fast painter, and that her larger paintings can take her over a year to complete, but she is still efficient in what she accomplishes. "The devil is in the details."
Though she has suffered a serious spine injury, she is still able to succeed in astounding and amusing, as well as puzzling the public, with unexpected metamorphoses of her imagination as seen in her work creating a masterfully visual sleight of hand converting ordinary visual facts into something extraordinary with a strong use of symbolism in the pictorial riddles and haunting scenes with philosophical and poetic content.
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